This is the latest print ad I've done so far for SimplySiti - Dermagic. I've tried the product sample once during the tvc shooting and the texture is very soft and non-oily. And I love the scent! It contains Endorphine from plant (yes, HALAL for sure!) which can boost our happy mood! Good for working women, which can reduce stress level during working in the office, 9-5. yey!
Anyway, this magical product will be launched in early February 2012.
Anticipate the MAGIC!
wow Kak Wynn... serius kalau naktahu ramai org cari sapa sebenar model sebelah Datuk Siti ni. Dan saya tak percaya ni Kak Wynn tau sampai ad satu forumer bagi link blog. Ramai kata muka akak gabungan muka perempuan2 cantik di malaysia. Antara yg kata muka akak macam Wan Zaleha, Dapne Iking, Lisdawati, Rozita Che Wan Norish Karman pun ada. Dan yg paling ketara muka aka mmg saya igat norish Karman sebab touch-up ni mmg sebijik mcm dia. Dan ramai kata muka akak lebih matured dan sesuai utk produk ni ala2 produk antarabangsa yg famous tu. Bangga Siti ambil org Malaysia utk advertising ni and ada darah Melayu kalau org lain confirm they will pick someone overseas look. By the way akak flexible kalau nk buat overseas look pun ok kan. Ok la kak saya nak tgk akak berjaya lagi dlm karier ni dan saya nak tgk lbh banyak akak kat mana commercial. Last but not least tak sangka pulak akak dh kahwin ya... Selamat pengantin baru ya kak walaupun lambat wish....
ReplyDeleteHehe tqsm dear. Ala siapala kwynn org duk nak tau siapa kwynn ni kan, akak model je pun.. Hihihi.. Akak skrg dh xbuat fulltime modelling dah. Buat part time je tu pun more to tvc n fashion shows. Photoshoot magazines dah kurang sbb dah xde time.. Tq dear for ur support. Will make more tvc appearance soon!